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Brushes splashing in to water creating ripples and swirls of paint and bubbles Heroic beauty and cosmetic products photographed on a white plinth with pours and drips of golden honey as sunlight casts hard shadows on them by still life photographer Ian Oliver Walsh Lonodon
Iconic beauty makeup products splashing in the air high speed with shimmering liquid By Ian Oliver Walsh Still Life Photographer London
alcohol drinks and larger bottle poured in a glass for Waitrose Heroic beauty and cosmetic products photographed on a white plinth with pours and drips of golden honey as sunlight casts hard shadows on them by still life photographer Ian Oliver Walsh Lonodon
Heroic beauty and cosmetic products photographed on a white plinth with pours and drips of golden liquid honey as sunlight casts hard shadows on them by still life photographer Ian Oliver Walsh Lonodon

Fotógrafo de produtos da Still Life em Londres - Ian Oliver Walsh

O que outras pessoas estão dizendo

Especializada em fotografia publicitária criativa que varia de beleza, cosméticos e maquiagem a acessórios e bebidas de moda de luxo.

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London, England, United Kingdom

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